The Simplest Way to Handle Complex Situations

“Get back to the main two or three commandments for your situation”. That is the counsel we so often need. The difficult situations we face each day, and sometimes for years on end, are so complex, that we exhaust ourselves trying to handle it all. Often all our trying contributes

Work to Rest, or Rest to Work

This concept of work versus rest is a Biblical concept. God worked six days in the creation of the world, and rested the seventh. This became a standard of rest throughout the Scriptures and specifically a law of rest for the nation of Israel under God’s rule. But, just because

Customised Laws for Our Benefit

It doesn’t take long in one’s reading through the Old Testament to realise that God has given different customised laws for different people at different times. The commandments to Adam and Eve are in some ways different to those given to Moses, which in turn are different to the ones