How to Change Destructive and Sinful Habits

The Christian life is a life of change. When God saved us, we changed spiritually in a most dramatic way—we transformed from spiritual deadness to spiritual life (Ephesians 2:1-5). Since then, we are changed people (2 Cor 5:17), in a permanent process of change (Phil 2:12-13; Rom 12:2). This continual process

God Covers the Sin We Uncover

Sin is so filthy that we rightly feel we need to cover our sins so nobody sees them. Our attempts at covering our sin are very inadequate though. Scripture exposes our true spiritual state no matter how well we try to cover our sin, and even our most covered sins

Don’t Sin, but If You Do …

Sin has a debilitating effect on true Christians. We have the Holy Spirit Who makes obedience possible, yet we still sin so often. We know righteousness is always good, and sin is always bad, and yet we still choose sin over righteousness way too frequently. We understand the freedom that

Time Doesn’t Heal Guilt

It is common in the world to believe that “time heals all things”. This might be true in some instances, but time doesn’t heal the guilt that comes from sinning against another. As Christians we ought never to sin and simply go on as though nothing happened, believing that time

The Honour of Not Taking Offence Easily

We are sinners, and one of our natural skills is the skill of covering our sin. Job 31:33 talks about the habit of covering our sin, hiding it in our heart where we might be fully aware of it, but we keep it from being seen by others, and we

Sin Is Real, so Don’t Deny It

It is no secret that what we believe to be true about life, and what is true about life are not always the same thing. For example, my car is a 1.6 litre petrol van—family car. Now, based on how I drive, it might feel at times either like a

The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

A common way in which we have created a double standard of morality is by acknowledging the reality of sin, but minimising the wickedness of sin. We minimise sin by the many more respectable terms we’ve invented to refer to sin. Jerry Bridges realised the disaster to one’s soul that

The Remedy for Sin

All mankind, yes even us who have been saved, fall into bad habits of how we deal with sin. The Remedy for sin is NOT … … but there is a remedy for sin, and it is confession and forgiveness (1 John 1:9). The essence of the Christian faith was once summed up by John Newton (ex-slave trader)