It is a simple truth that where there is conflict between two people, there is either at least one not saved, or, if both are saved, there is at least one who is disobedient to God. Typically, as most parents would agree, it takes two to fight. Sadly though, just
Best Friend, Bad Friend, Hostile Friend, Re-Friend
You can probably relate to some degree. You had a friend. Yes, had, for he is no longer really a friend. You had a friend—a best friend perhaps. But then something went wrong. It might have been a very clear and memorable moment where some great offence was caused, or it might be
The More Godly Act More Godly
When conflict comes, the godly act more godly. This was a phrase learned in the early years of a pastor’s ministry. Too often amidst conflict, pastors, who are to be more godly, sink to the same level of sinful responses in search of a response. The same is true for all
The Honour of Not Taking Offence Easily
We are sinners, and one of our natural skills is the skill of covering our sin. Job 31:33 talks about the habit of covering our sin, hiding it in our heart where we might be fully aware of it, but we keep it from being seen by others, and we
When Doing Your Best Still Results in Conflict
There was once two ladies who had worked very hard for the sake of Christ. They were part of a small church-plant by a rather famous preacher who had since moved on to other towns to plant churches there too. They had helped him much in their own town, and
Being a Peace Maker Among One Another
Many times, the greatest reason for uselessness in church ministry is personal conflict. I don’t like you, you don’t like something I did, so you sit on this side, I sit on that side, and if you come to the church picnic, then I won’t come, and if you have