Have you ever boasted of the dramatic nature of your conversion? Or perhaps the opposite, have you ever coveted the dramatic conversion story of someone converted from some great evil lifestyle? We tend to measure the dramatic nature of conversion on the superficial external experience of conversion and forget that
Christianese: Sanctification
Romans 6:5-14 deals extensively with the doctrine of sanctification in the believer’s life. Before salvation the believer was dead in his sin (Eph 2:1), but after union with Christ, the believer is now freed from sin to live as a slave of Christ. Sanctification is the means by which believers
God Can Save the Worst
The truly saved are those who pursue righteousness, love, and holiness. Such are the trademarks of the genuinely converted (1 John 2:29; John 13:35; Lev 20:26). But the righteous, loving, holiness-pursuing saints were not always like that. All of them, before conversion, had sin-infested hearts, minds, and souls. Some of
A Conversation About Conversion
Here is a simple conversation that two individuals had about becoming a Christian. For the sake of this post, we’ll name them Mike and John. Has God changed you this way too? Mike: How do people become Christians?John: They tell God how sorry they are about all their sins, ask
When God Decides to Save You
One of the cherished truths by Christians, is the reality that since salvation is not something we could do, God did it. With decisive omnipotence, God saved sinners. But, the question is then: “How can I be sure that God saved me?” 1 Thessalonians 1 is the answer to that