Who Should Praise the LORD?

Praising the LORD is not only the duty and privilege of the redeemed. Certainly every person saved from sin owes the LORD excessive praises, but the reality is that all things ought to praise the LORD. In Psalm 148 the following list is given of those who have an obligation

A Brief Theology of the Beginning

The world began when God spoke it into existence (Heb 11:3). In six carefully recorded, ordinary days, God created the world and filled it with orderliness, life, and productivity (Gen 1). On the sixth day God created man and woman, married them, and then gave them the rest of Creation

A Brief Theology of Mankind

Mankind was created directly by God with a mandate to work on this earth, fill it, and rule over it (Gen 1:28). Mankind was created male and female (Gen 1:27). Marriage is therefore between a man and a woman (Gen 2:24). Adam and Eve sinned against God (Gen 3), and

Look Up, Worship and Hope

Look up, Christian, the sky above your head is not only there to keep the earth’s physical properties in order so we can live. The sky above has a few spiritual purposes too. We need to look up a little more often. Perhaps the most obvious theological reason for the

God Creates and Commands

In the simple historical record of Genesis chapter 1 is a mine full of theological insights. Not the least among them is the connection between the One Who speaks things into existence and then commands the things created to function in their proper manner. This is most notable on the

The Authority of Revelation From God

Although both the Bible (special revelation) and all of creation (general revelation) are given by God to man, only the Bible constitutes inherent final authority. God’s general revelation to man is continuous (Psalm 19:2), wordless (Psalm 19:3) and worldwide in scope (Psalm 19:4). General revelation teaches the existence of God