As Christians we long to be godly, but becoming godly is hard work. We need daily godliness exercises. Thankfully the Scriptures are filled with “daily” verses. Perhaps there is no better place to start, than with the following three verses and the daily godliness practice that they have in common. This Book of the
You and God’s Holy Spirit
As a Christian, you are obligated to live according to the Spirit (Rom 8:12). This is because you have been given spiritual life by the Spirit (Rom 8:11). It is through Jesus and the Holy Spirit that you are justified and sanctified (1 Cor 6:11; 2 Thess 2:13). That is why
Common Courtesy
Show perfect courtesy toward all people – God Our parents used to teach us to be polite, have good manners, and respect others. We were told not to be rude, selfish, or disrespectful. These things all describe our attitudes and behaviour towards others. These are difficult things to instill in children or perfect as adults, because they
Jesus Is Coming
In all the seemingly futile routine of life on this earth, do not overlook the fact that Jesus is still coming. One day, the normal flow of life will stop, for Jesus will come and change everything. Jesus is coming. Because Jesus is coming, don’t give up in your Christian
Your Christian Rights and Responsibilities
The world thrives on a sense of personal rights. We expect things from others, and get upset when our expectations are not met by them. When we are hurt by another, we retaliate in silence, bitterness, anger, or legal action because we sense the right to be recompensed for the
Two Ways to Live
Psalm 1 is a favourite on many levels. Placed first in the Psalter, it acts like a flagship for the rest of the Psalms, offering decisive direction before embarking in this rest of the collection of Psalms. Psalm 1 offers wisdom on the two options each person has on how to live
What All Would You Have Done Today?
What are your daily activities? Ever sat down at the end of the day and written down the list of activities of that day? We might have a task-list of what we should do each day, but do you take stock of what you did do each day? If you
Godly Eating and Drinking
Eating and drinking must be some of the most basic intentional activities of mankind. Certain bodily functions, heart beating, breathing, etc., are more basic to human living than eating and drinking, but eating and drinking are surely the most basic human activities that require explicit decision, forethought, preparation and action
Fixing All the Problems of This World
You can’t fix all the problems of this world, but you can fix all the problems of this world that manifest themselves in your own convictions, values, thoughts, actions, and words. The world has a big problem with entertainment, but you can maintain the balance of godly enjoyment and relaxation
Godliness Can Be Very Complex or Very Simple
Our situations in life often require different kinds of counsel. Sometimes all we need is a “Just do it!” or “Stop it” command, other times we need a long and very detailed set of instructions to fulfil our daily responsibilities before God. The same is true of God’s counsel to