God Counsels a Depressed Prophet

It was during the days of one of the most notorious kings of Israel that a man named Elijah endured the difficult task of being the Lord’s spokesman to God’s people. Eventually the tension mounted to such levels that a battle of gods ensued. 1 Kings 18 tells the story;

Christian Lament: Psalm 13

“How long will I feel like I am forgotten by God?!” “When will sadness no more dominate my day?!” “Why do the wicked keep getting their way?!” These are not uncommon thoughts for believers living daily in this sin-cursed world. Not surprisingly, they are not uncommon in God’s Word either.

When Suffering, Pray for Righteousness

Many of the Psalms are crafted in the crucible of extreme trial. This is no less true of Psalm 5. But Psalm 5 is not only a prayer of pouring out one’s soul to the Lord. Neither is Psalm 5 merely a prayer of seeking deliverance and vindication. Psalm 5 is also a prayer to be more