When we pray, then we realise what is truly on our hearts. We often fail in prayer because we do not have any sense of urgency or need and are callous to the troubles of this world. But often we fail in prayer, not for lack of burdens on our
When You Don’t Get What You Wanted
What happens when you don’t get what you wanted? The shortest answer is probably “I sin” (James 4:1). When our desires are met, we are happy and feel loved. But when our desires are not met, we become unhappy and feel unloved. That is why we need to change our
A Fear-Driven Life
There was once a stingy young man so consumed with the fear of going hungry, that he put away some money each month in a future food fund. Decades later, the man retired, and his regular income was no more. So intent on having enough money to buy food at
Blessed Are Those Who Want to Do What Is Right
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Matthew 5:6 Forever longing to do what is right in a world where wickedness is the norm is a depressing experience. Every time you see the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer, the personal desire to
Every Sinful Deed Has a Backstory
Because our behaviour is the visible expression of sin, we often think that our deeds and words are where sin starts. After the sinful deed, there are often terrible consequences, and once again, we look back and identify the original sinful behaviour as the start of it all. This has
From the Inside Out
Just like all external sinful words and deeds are first internal sinful thoughts and desires (James 4:1; Mark 7:20-23), so all external good behaviour is first internal good character. We sin from the inside out, and we also transform into true righteousness from the inside out (Rom 12:2). David was chosen
Transforming Worldly Desires Into Will of God Desires
Worldliness is often defined in terms of a list of actions. And certainly every Christian would agree that the activities of adultery, bribery, lying, murder, and the like are not fitting for citizens of heaven who still walk this world. But the definition of worldliness lies deeper than just the
Being Too Introverted
Extrovert or introvert—such are the either-or categories society has dictated. Whatever one of those you might tend to be, you are not one to the complete exclusion of the other. A quiet introverted-in-public person might be the loudest between siblings. A friendly out-going personality at a party might be a
What is worship?
Worship is not some mystical supposedly hyper-spiritual feeling where you feel closer to God simply because you were at church. Worship is living and speaking in such a way as to draw attention to God’s will. The Psalms are commonly known as great expressions of worship – and yet, most