You Can Do It

“You can do it” is common encouragement towards excellence from a teacher to a student at school, from a coach to an athlete on the field, or from a parent to a child in the home. It is also the encouragement from the aged Moses to adults who are going

Loving the Ancient Events In the Bible

Twice, once in the context of temptation to sin, and once in the context of endurance in the faith, the Apostle Paul writes this about the various events that are recorded for us in the Scriptures: “written for our instruction” Romans 15:4 and 1 Corinthians 10:11 Love this about the

The Pleasant Way to Build Another Up

Of all the people in the world, it is Christians who know the limitations, sins, and weaknesses of mankind. As Christians, we know the value of rebuke, as much as we might dislike giving or receiving it, as the often necessary tool to overcome our weaknesses and grow. But rebuke