God created the world “very good”. In the Garden of Eden there was nothing wrong and nothing bad. Nobody sinned, nobody suffered, nobody hurt, nobody hated. There was no trouble of any kind. It is the obvious evidence that everything good in this life comes from a very good God
Are You Sure That Your Sins Are Forgiven?
When God saves a sinner and forgives the sin of that person, He does not dip them in purple, or something like that, to show that that one’s sins are forgiven. Sin doesn’t appear as a physically black burden on one’s back as depicted in the allegory of Pilgrim’s Progress. Forgiveness doesn’t
When Your Sin Makes You Depressed
One of the songs sung on the way to the annual feasts in Jerusalem was Psalm 130. You might wonder what festival singing has to do with the guilt over your own sin, and this is where Psalm 130 provides a very important answer. Before you can joyfully come to worship, you need
God Covers the Sin We Uncover
Sin is so filthy that we rightly feel we need to cover our sins so nobody sees them. Our attempts at covering our sin are very inadequate though. Scripture exposes our true spiritual state no matter how well we try to cover our sin, and even our most covered sins
Don’t Sin, but If You Do …
Sin has a debilitating effect on true Christians. We have the Holy Spirit Who makes obedience possible, yet we still sin so often. We know righteousness is always good, and sin is always bad, and yet we still choose sin over righteousness way too frequently. We understand the freedom that
Time Doesn’t Heal Guilt
It is common in the world to believe that “time heals all things”. This might be true in some instances, but time doesn’t heal the guilt that comes from sinning against another. As Christians we ought never to sin and simply go on as though nothing happened, believing that time
Forgiveness and Forgetfulness
“Forgive and forget” is the good-intentioned, but often impossible advice given in overcoming the hurt and conflict that often results from the sin and selfishness of mankind. Though forgetfulness will greatly help in moving forward after a serious offence, it is by no means something that can be forced, and
Prayers God Listens To
It comes as a bit of a surprise that the main petitions in Solomon’s famous temple-dedication prayer of 1 Kings 8, is the plea to God to listen to the prayers prayed as part of the worship at the temple. Solomon understood that in light of God’s great greatness, and
Big Sins or Small Sins
It is a regrettable habit of our souls to compare sins to one another. We feel justified for committing ‘lesser sins’ or we feel unforgivable for committing some ‘great sin’. Forgetting that the standard of righteousness is God’s holiness, we develop a theology of ‘big sins and small sins’. Romans
Recipients of the New Covenant
We are familiar with the covenant that God made with people like Abraham, and many years later with his descendants through Moses. However, there is a covenant described in Jeremiah 31 is that far superior to all other covenants. It is what the prophet Jeremiah called “the New Covenant”. What is so