God Is the Only God

Isaiah 45 and 46 contain four affirmations that the LORD is the only God. This is, however, not just some stand-alone truth. Each affirmation of the LORD’s exclusivity to God-ness is accompanied by an implication of that truth for mankind I am the LORD, and there is no other,besides me there is no

Christmas in Four Words

The Apostle John is certainly not known for brevity or conciseness. But in a single verse John captures for us the entire earthly life of Jesus, and the opening four words describe his birth. And the Word became fleshand dwelt among us,and we have seen his glory,glory as of the

A Poem about Jesus

It might not have a strict poetic form that we might otherwise be used to, but this is the most prominent of poems about our Lord Jesus. Remember that Jesus was not only a baby in a manger or a dying man on a cross, but was also the Lord

Why We Worship God

“Why do you worship God?” For believers, that is not a difficult question to answer. The more difficult question is “Where do you start?!” It seems that Psalm 147 also didn’t really know where to start, so the author just started, and then continued for 20 verses with a number of calls

Believe in … Not Yourself!

Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man,in whom there is no salvation.When his breath departs, he returns to the earth;on that very day his plans perish. Psalm 146:3-4 “Believe in yourself” is the self-help mantra of our times. Where such a phrase originated and how it

A Prayer Praising Jesus Christ

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according

Why We Need Clarity of Truth

In the last week of Jesus’ ministry before His death, He used His interactions with the people to clarify the Gospel. Many claimed to be worshippers of God, but in their questions to Jesus, they demonstrated great hatred. Jesus used their questions to clarify their problem so they too could

Making Much of Christ

Nobody writes a biography of a baby. Yet, the baby Jesus already had an entire Old Testament written about Him. Much of it was veiled because the name “Jesus” was only given Him at His human birth, but that does not detract from all His impressive accomplishments recorded in the

What Is So Important About the Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity states that God is One being in three distinct persons. God the Father is not God the Son and not God the Holy Spirit. The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each fully God, yet there is only one God. God doesn’t

Praying Through the Scriptures

Prayer is not a self-help monologue to make one feel more spiritual. Rather, prayer is a conversation between yourself and the omnipresent God of the universe. What is very important about this conversation is that it is a conversation started by God, not us. It is true that we speak