One of the very practical convictions that made Job such a noble example of godliness was that he had written a contract with his own sexual appetite regarding sexual purity. It is recorded for us in Job 31:1-12, and the terms and conditions of the contract with himself can be summed
Daily Godliness – Meditate on God’s Word
As Christians we long to be godly, but becoming godly is hard work. We need daily godliness exercises. Thankfully the Scriptures are filled with “daily” verses. Perhaps there is no better place to start, than with the following three verses and the daily godliness practice that they have in common. This Book of the
“All I Want Is a Little Respect”
“All I want is a little respect!” Respect is good right? It is commanded in Scripture a number of times (Rom 13:7; Eph 5:33; 1 Thess 5:12; 1 Pet 2:18; 1 Pet 3:15). It is also modeled in Scripture a number of times (Mark 15:43; 1 Tim 2:9; 1 Tim 3:2; 1 Pet 3:1-2). A lack of
The Context of Real Spiritual Warfare
If you think of spiritual warfare, what kind of contexts do you think of? Do you think of the context of a righteous and godly man, known for his gentleness? Do you think of a person who has a reputation for a clear explanation of the Gospel, the new birth,
The Mission for Getting Older
2 Corinthians is a book written by an elderly missionary. He has been through many difficult times, and writes 2 Corinthians to offer some sage advice to some of those who had been the cause of much of his trouble in his earlier years as a missionary. Although not everyone
Godliness Leaves a Longer Shadow
You know how short your shadow is in the middle of the day, and how it gets longer and longer as the day comes to an end. This is true spiritually too. In the middle of our lives it might feel like fearing the Lord and doing what is right
The More Godly Act More Godly
When conflict comes, the godly act more godly. This was a phrase learned in the early years of a pastor’s ministry. Too often amidst conflict, pastors, who are to be more godly, sink to the same level of sinful responses in search of a response. The same is true for all
Perfect Godliness
It it is a much repeated and intuitively evident reality that “Nobody is perfect!” and we are all “just human”. We sometimes appeal to that reality as a justification for our rather-less-than-perfect actions and attitudes. Jesus, however, used that reality to motivate us to be perfect in our personal godliness.
The Right Way to Admire Another
Admiring another can be done in many wrong ways, but that does not mean that admiring another human being interferes with one’s worship of God. God requires of us to admire other people. He specifically lists both the kind of people we ought to admire, and the manner in which
Mind-Renewing Verses
Daily Bible reading is crucial to filling our minds with God’s truth about daily living as a Christian. Look at how Romans 12:2-3 challenges our thinking. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is