Faith Tests: Not to Expose, but to Confirm

As long as I can remember, “tests” were to expose flaws. Spelling tests were to show you the words you didn’t know. Maths tests were to show you the equations you couldn’t complete. Fitness tests were to expose the weaklings. Character tests were to determine what needs some refinement. Tests

Spiritual Warfare Is common to All Christians

As frightening as the concept of fighting sin, temptation, the Devil, and demons might be, it is wonderfully encouraging to realise that spiritual warfare is something every Christian from every age and place has successfully engaged in. After calling Christians to humility and reminding Christians of God’s care of us

Every Temptation Has a Weak Spot

Every temptation is defeat-able. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 1

A Pattern of Praise

Why is a Christian always full of praise? Why do Christians growing in maturity increasingly call on those around them to praise God with them? Is it because Christians never face problems, deal with disappointments, suffer loss or endure sadness? Or is it because of the pattern David spoke of

Does God Lose Sheep?

Even though Judas is the name made infamous for being a traitor to the Lord Jesus, there are quite a number of Judases with more acceptable names who have done the same to the Lord Jesus. They have promoted the Lord Jesus, loved the Lord Jesus in some way at

God Is Not Vindictive

We know that God is against the wicked and will condemn them for all eternity, but at times we feel God is against us who believe too and holds every little sin and foolish decision against us. God is not vindictive. God does not promise “No Condemnation!” (Rom 8:1) and

Dead People Tell No Tales

Used as a way to protect themselves from being betrayed, criminals justify the killing of a possible traitor with the statement “dead men tell no tales”. That is certainly true: dead people cannot tell of all your evil deeds. In Psalm 30, King David uses the same concept of “dead

A Verse When Obedience is Tough

It is good to long to be holy. It is good to become aware of one’s sin. It is good to fight sin. But sometimes it is so discouraging. Sin comes to us so easily, and holiness seems at times a distant theological concept. Sometimes obedience is tough because the

God Daily Bears Us Up

Blessed be the Lord,who daily bears us up; Psalm 68:19 Did you praise God for that when you woke up this morning? God is bearing you up today again. He did so yesterday, He will do so tomorrow again. In your daily weakness, He strengthens you. In your daily need,

A Two-Verse Psalm

Some of the prayers and songs in the Bible are the long, theologically rich, detailed explanations of God’s character, God’s actions, and the author’s experiences and worship. But then Psalm 117 comes along, and it is a mere five lines. Praise the LORD, all nations!Extol him, all peoples!For great is