In Acts 17 Paul uses the theology of God as Creator to explain the physical circumstances of the people he was ministering too. They were not even believers, but still, God had ordained their circumstances with purposeful goodness. The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven
God’s Universal Love
God is love, and therefore God demonstrates His love to all—yes, even to those who reject His saving love (Mark 10:21-23). God’s special love for believers is extraordinarily unique, but His universal love for all is in no means meaningless. God demonstrates universal love by granting the daily solar cycle and annual
A Good Life in a Bad World
Because God is not limited or defined in any way by the physical creation, He offers a perspective on created life that is utterly unique. He offers a perspective that enjoys the good things without being naive about the bad things. He offers a perspective that encourages valid expectations without
Complain Less, Praise More
Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love,for his wondrous works to the children of man!For he satisfies the longing soul,and the hungry soul he fills with good things. Psalm 107:8–9 If we complained less, and praised more, we would be happier, and God would be more glorified. Let
The God of Deliverance
“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble” Psalm 107:1-2 This Old Testament Psalm was sung by the Israelites to give thanks to the Lord for deliverance from their adversaries (v.2). As we read this Psalm today,
God’s Common Love
God’s love is often referred to as ‘common grace’. The nuances of the various terms are subtle, but important. Although very few resources can be found on God’s love for unbelievers, resources abound on common grace and providence. This does not mean, however, that God’s love is only limited to
Why Sensible People Fear God
Elihu, one of Job’s younger friends, didn’t understand Job’s situation very well, but he did have a good understanding of who God really is. Elihu was sensible enough to recognise why mankind should fear God and stop following their own ways. In short poetic form we read this from Elihu.
Romans 12:17 The Unfairness of Doing Good
Christianity has an excessive element to it. Christianity is “unfair” in the best sense of the word. Sinners who deserve punishment are delivered because of a substitute 2 Cor 5:21). God makes the sun rise on unbelievers just as on believers (Matt 5:45). Even when mankind invents all kinds of evil,
The Goodness of God’s Goodness
Psalm 119:68 affirms unequivocally that God is good. The necessarily conclusion is equally profound: God does good. Nothing that God has ever done is bad, and nothing that is bad has ever been done by God. You are good and do good Psalm 119:68a Since this truth about God is
God Is Good and Does Good … To Me!
God is good.God does good.It is good for me. Those three little lines are the key to successful living. Doubt any one of those three statements, and you have either a god who is evil, or a god who is out to get you, or a god who is of