The Ancient of Days

Three times in Daniel 7, God is referred to as “The Ancient of Days”. This phrase combines God’s eternality into the past with His perfect wisdom to be qualified to judge the world. As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat; his clothing was white

What Do You Do with a Holy God?

God is Holy. That means that He is set apart from all else and is in a category of perfection all by Himself. It is also means that God is morally pure and righteous, completely devoid of anything wrong, evil, or bad. If the holy God were just a frail

Never Minimise God’s Holiness

Isaiah 6 is a grand display of God’s holiness and how mankind compares to God. In this vision of God, a sinful man named Isaiah was commissioned to be a prophet of the Lord. In all the subsequent highs and lows of his long prophetic ministry, it was the holiness