Three times in Daniel 7, God is referred to as “The Ancient of Days”. This phrase combines God’s eternality into the past with His perfect wisdom to be qualified to judge the world. As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat; his clothing was white
VIP Witnesses to God
Most of us would never be considered a Very Important Person (VIP) in this world’s terms. Instead we follow them on social media, in magazines, and through informal gossip channels. Although God predominately chooses the lowly in life to be witnesses to His nature and His works (1 Cor 1:26-28),
Blessed Are Those Who Are Not Self-Made
The first line from the most famous sermon Jesus ever preached says this: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God Matthew 5:3 We, like the world, often live as though the opposite is true. We believe, and often act, as though it is the
Citizens of Heaven
The “sermon on the mount” starts with a list of descriptions of those who are citizens of Heaven. The characteristics and benefits of citizens in God’s Kingdom is really impressive. The Benefits of a Citizen of Heaven They are no mere citizens of a democratic country, but fellow-possessors of a