Thou Shalt Be Loved

You do not have a right to be loved. Think about it: you do not have a right to be loved. Instead, you have a responsibility to love. It is true that if all would fulfil their responsibility to love that you will indeed be loved, but the burden of making sure love is shown always

God’s Universal Love

God is love, and therefore God demonstrates His love to all—yes, even to those who reject His saving love (Mark 10:21-23). God’s special love for believers is extraordinarily unique, but His universal love for all is in no means meaningless. God demonstrates universal love by granting the daily solar cycle and annual

God’s Common Love

God’s love is often referred to as ‘common grace’. The nuances of the various terms are subtle, but important. Although very few resources can be found on God’s love for unbelievers, resources abound on common grace and providence. This does not mean, however, that God’s love is only limited to

Truth about Doubt

Yesterday’s Observations about Doubt can be summarised as … Do not honour doubt; nor fear it.Acknowledge doubt, and stand firm on Truth. There is one passage in the New Testament that deals with the experience of doubt that Christians often face. We know what is true, yet at times we doubt it. Our doubts

The Sympathy of God’s Empathy

Psalm 103:14 is perhaps one of the most direct statements on God’s empathy with us. For he knows our frame;he remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:14 God knows that we are not everything that He is. We are not perfectly holy. We are not almighty. We are not all-knowing. We

Does God Lose Sheep?

Even though Judas is the name made infamous for being a traitor to the Lord Jesus, there are quite a number of Judases with more acceptable names who have done the same to the Lord Jesus. They have promoted the Lord Jesus, loved the Lord Jesus in some way at

God Is Not Vindictive

We know that God is against the wicked and will condemn them for all eternity, but at times we feel God is against us who believe too and holds every little sin and foolish decision against us. God is not vindictive. God does not promise “No Condemnation!” (Rom 8:1) and

Enduring Everything For the Sake of a Fellow Christian

Although this is most especially true of pastors and elders, it ought to be something that describes every believer. We are willing to endure hardship for the sake of family; we are willing to endure insult for the sake of a noble cause; we are willing to endure discomfort for

The Excessiveness of Christian Love

The icon of Christian love among the NT church is a man named Gaius. 3 John 1:6 says that he loved other Christians “in a manner worthy of God”! Not even the Roman Emperor would have been treated as well by his entourage as Christians were treated by Gaius. He

God Daily Bears Us Up

Blessed be the Lord,who daily bears us up; Psalm 68:19 Did you praise God for that when you woke up this morning? God is bearing you up today again. He did so yesterday, He will do so tomorrow again. In your daily weakness, He strengthens you. In your daily need,