God created the world “very good”. In the Garden of Eden there was nothing wrong and nothing bad. Nobody sinned, nobody suffered, nobody hurt, nobody hated. There was no trouble of any kind. It is the obvious evidence that everything good in this life comes from a very good God
Truth about Doubt
Yesterday’s Observations about Doubt can be summarised as … Do not honour doubt; nor fear it.Acknowledge doubt, and stand firm on Truth. There is one passage in the New Testament that deals with the experience of doubt that Christians often face. We know what is true, yet at times we doubt it. Our doubts
The Sympathy of God’s Empathy
Psalm 103:14 is perhaps one of the most direct statements on God’s empathy with us. For he knows our frame;he remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:14 God knows that we are not everything that He is. We are not perfectly holy. We are not almighty. We are not all-knowing. We
God Can Save the Worst
The truly saved are those who pursue righteousness, love, and holiness. Such are the trademarks of the genuinely converted (1 John 2:29; John 13:35; Lev 20:26). But the righteous, loving, holiness-pursuing saints were not always like that. All of them, before conversion, had sin-infested hearts, minds, and souls. Some of
God’s Judgments Always Come True
In the Garden of Eden, God warned Adam and Eve that if they disobey the only prohibition given them, that they would definitely die (Genesis 2:17). However, they did not die immediately in chapter 3 when they disobeyed. Does this mean God’s judgment was a mere idle threat with no
God Daily Bears Us Up
Blessed be the Lord,who daily bears us up; Psalm 68:19 Did you praise God for that when you woke up this morning? God is bearing you up today again. He did so yesterday, He will do so tomorrow again. In your daily weakness, He strengthens you. In your daily need,
Christian Lament: Psalm 38
Does your sin not at times get you in trouble with others, harm your Christian testimony, and fill you with a sense of deep guilt? Do you not then feel torn between the urge to pour it out to the Lord, and the urge to run away and hide from
A Brief Theology of Salvation
Before the creation of the world, God has decided to save sinners to be made holy (Eph 1:4). This God fulfilled by causing them to be born again by the Holy Spirit (John 3:7-8) through His Word (1 Pet 1:23). Salvation is accomplished by substituting the guilt of sinners with