My God Knows Me

Psalm 139 is another all-time favourite Psalm of many a believer. It is a grand testimony to our God Who is unreachably beyond human limitation and yet intimately engaged with us. It begins and ends with God’s knowledge of us. Our God has known us (v. 1), and we delightedly pray

What Do You Do with an All-Knowing God?

If God has eyes, this is what they would see. The eyes of the LORD are in every place,keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 God knows everything about everyone. He knows our daily activities; He knows our thoughts; He even knows what we are going to

Forgiveness and Forgetfulness

“Forgive and forget” is the good-intentioned, but often impossible advice given in overcoming the hurt and conflict that often results from the sin and selfishness of mankind. Though forgetfulness will greatly help in moving forward after a serious offence, it is by no means something that can be forced, and