Exactly What Is God All in Control of?

God’s god-ness is already a sufficient explanation for being a very sovereign being, but the true living God is not only a god with some areas of sovereign control. God is in control of absolutely everything. The simplest statement of it is Psalm 115:3 Our God is in the heavens;He does all that

What Do You Do with an Absolutely Sovereign God?

God’s sovereignty is clearly affirmed in His Word and displayed in His world. It requires a proper response from us. First of all, it requires our worship. That a Being exists with absolute rule over all things is something that deserves recognition. That such a Being is the God Who

Pray for God’s Sovereignty on Display

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven More so than anything else, “The Lord’s Prayer”, or perhaps more accurately, “Every Disciple’s Prayer”, is a prayer for God to make it obvious that He is in control of everything. The model prayer that our

Blessed Are the Meek

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 Like the other Beatitudes, this one exposes the irony of reality. In a world where it appears that the angry, loud, and self-confident always get ahead, we soon forget that the opposite is actually reality. This beatitude is

Singing During Disaster

Nobody feels like confident singing when calamity strikes. But Psalm 46 is a three-stanza song for the worst of disasters. The first stanza starts with the most comforting truth about God during disaster, but ends with what would certainly be in the top three natural disasters of history. “God is

Even If the Earth Changes; God Still Doesn’t

Is your faith set on this world, or on God? What I mean is, do the realities of God determine the strength of your faith, or do the realities of this world and it’s affairs determine the ups and downs of your faith? If all goes well, and then something

God’s Perfections Are Our Counsellors

“Pick five of God’s attributes and write down their relevance to your situation.” That was the instruction from a seminary professor to a group of men only starting to sense the superior nature of Biblical counsel over every worldly alternative. Add you own circumstantial details, but the basic exercise can

A Brief Theology of God

There is only one sovereign God over everyone irrespective of their acknowledgement of Him (Isa 45:5-7). God is Spirit (John 4:24). God exists as one God (Deut 6:4) in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19). God is in Heaven and does whatever He wants

You Are a Piece of a Very Large Puzzle

The life you are given by God is like a million-piece puzzle. When you look at the picture on the box you marvel at the beauty of the work of art. You know that in your longest life you will never be able to complete even half of the puzzle.

Titus 3:4 simply explained

One of the most beautiful descriptions of Jesus’ life on earth is given here in Titus 3:4 “the goodness and loving kindness of God our Saviour appeared”. The verse begins, though, with a “but”, marking this as a sharp contrast to how we are described in verse 3. Unlike us in our