The One Thing That Will Get Your Life on Track and Keep It So

How can a young man keep his way pure? Psalm 119:9a This question is not just a casual question of a young man living a pure life and passively hoping to keep it that way. Rather, it is a question of a young man looking down the path of his

God Is Wonderful in Counsel

We know that God is the “Wonderful Counsellor” (Is 9:6), but we often take that to be a mere spiritual comfort rather than a practical call to listen and follow His instruction. Perhaps the most beautiful description of God’s wisdom and counsel is this: This also comes from the LORD

Taking God at His Word, or Not!

Reading the Old Testament is like browsing a full-colour version of facebook, twitter, and ‘Christian’ news headlines all put together. The modern ‘Christian’ phenomena of praising God’s Word, and quoting favourite lines from God’s Word, or even attributing favourite quotes to God that aren’t even in His Word, is something

An Entire Manual on Spiritual Warfare

From the shortest verse on the topic in James 4:7, to an entire manual on spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6, the Bible gives us all we need to know about the dark spiritual realities of this life that are otherwise unknown to us. Many religions offer many explanations and practises regarding the

What Your Bible Reading Says about Your Courage

Courageous men and women are individuals who esteem a specific list of values and who live by a stated set of principles. Wimps value only themselves and react to life as it happens with whatever they think best at the time. As Christians we ought to stop our wimpish ways

“I Think” vs “God Said”

Too much of spiritual discussion between Christians fall into the “I think” category instead of the “God said” category. Because we are weak in specific Bible knowledge and strong in our opinion, we often say things to other Christians that could be much improved on. There is a subtle satisfaction

Wiser than the Aged and Educated

Experience and education are hailed as the great tutors of life in this world. We trust those with experience more than we trust those with mere head knowledge, and we trust those with reputable head knowledge more than we trust those who merely repeat their own opinions. Experience and education

You Can Do It

“You can do it” is common encouragement towards excellence from a teacher to a student at school, from a coach to an athlete on the field, or from a parent to a child in the home. It is also the encouragement from the aged Moses to adults who are going

Expectations of Biblical Counselling

People come for secular and pastoral counselling with all kinds of expectations. Some expect nothing really, except perhaps a mystical fix to all their problems. Others expect a listening ear—and clearly nothing more. Then there are always those who, like Nebuchadnezzar, expect the counsellor to “just know” what the problem

Why We Need Clarity of Truth

In the last week of Jesus’ ministry before His death, He used His interactions with the people to clarify the Gospel. Many claimed to be worshippers of God, but in their questions to Jesus, they demonstrated great hatred. Jesus used their questions to clarify their problem so they too could