Opportunists for Good Works

As the idiom says, “one man’s loss is another man’s gain”. Because of the curse of sin in this world, many lose their loved ones, sources of income, and sense of peace. But at the same time, there are always opportunists seeking to gain from the paranoia and suffering of

Are You Sure That Your Sins Are Forgiven?

When God saves a sinner and forgives the sin of that person, He does not dip them in purple, or something like that, to show that that one’s sins are forgiven. Sin doesn’t appear as a physically black burden on one’s back as depicted in the allegory of Pilgrim’s Progress. Forgiveness doesn’t

Jesus is Saviour

Unlike all the other gods and religious heroes of false religions, the true God is a God Who saves sinners. No clearer is this stated that in Titus 3. For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy,

Of First Importance

Many important things need to be addressed today. Important personal matters, government policies, finance decisions, marital responsibilities, parenting opportunities, and a host of other important things need to be addressed today. But even the important things in life are ranked. Some are simply more important than others. With limited resources

A Brief Theology of Salvation

Before the creation of the world, God has decided to save sinners to be made holy (Eph 1:4). This God fulfilled by causing them to be born again by the Holy Spirit (John 3:7-8) through His Word (1 Pet 1:23). Salvation is accomplished by substituting the guilt of sinners with

The Gospel of the Old Testament

In Luke 16:29 Jesus responds with these words to the rich dead man’s request of warning his five brothers They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them. There are numerous passages throughout the Old Testament that present the Gospel with clarity. Perhaps the most famous is the one

The Gospel Changes Women

One of the groups of society that are changed as a result of the Gospel is the women in our societies. Because of the inherent sinful nature in all men, women are naturally often degraded, abused or neglected. Countries governed by what Scripture would call false religions, often have horrific

The Gospel Changes Men

The Gospel changes people. Most profoundly, it changes men. Men who either slink around with no responsibility and sensibility, or who parade around with a wild and free dominance, are all changed by the Gospel. The murderous Saul was changed by the Gospel into the patient and truth-bound Paul. The

What About All Those Other Christian Ministries? (3)

How must we think about different Christian ministries? There are three typical Christian-ministry situations in which Christians need to apply some Biblical discernment: The third typical situation in which we need discernment is when there are so-called Christian preachers out there, who hold the Bible in their hand while they

What About All Those Other Christian Ministries? (2)

How must we think about different Christian ministries? There are three typical Christian-ministry situations in which Christians need to apply some Biblical discernment: The second typical situation in which we need discernment is when there are Gospel preachers outside your circle, that are perhaps not godly and above reproach in