Grace and Peace Through Knowledge

Daily the prayer of every Christian is a prayer pleading for grace — the grace which is the good favour from God in all our dealings that day, and the grace which is the enabling strength to believe and obey God in all we do. We also pray for peace

God doesn’t Choose As We Choose

Reading through the Old Testament there is a not-so-sublte lesson on the kinds of people God chooses for His Kingdom. In a culture that gave double honour to the firstborn, it is a real surprise each time God chooses the least instead of the greatest. Eve bore first Cain, then

The lesson from the numbers in Numbers

Numbers must have the least appealing name of all the Bible books. And, to be honest, it isn’t that much about numbers compared to some other books with rather extensive lists of genealogies. But there are two numbers in Numbers that are very important. They are important because of the