Why the Bible is so Very Important

The most packed and concise summary of what we believe about the Bible is given to us by God in 2 Timothy 3:15-17, … and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

Scripture’s Role in Your Obedience

It was Jerry Bridges in his book The Pursuit of Holiness who wrote something like: “Too often we say we struggle with this or that sin. And we use it as an excuse. You do not struggle as much as you are simply disobedient.” Then in chapter 10 he gives

The Key to Christian Growth

Truth, love, and growth. Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him Who is the head, into Christ. Ephesians 4:15 (ESV) These three words summarise the life of a Christian. Christians are those who accept and believe the truth, who have been loved

The Spirit will do it

In your struggle against sin and your pursuit of righteousness, may this be of comfort and encouragement to you. The most theological verse on sanctification is not a list of commandments, but a glorious explanation of how it works and how the Holy Spirit of God is the primarily actor.

Salvation: Total Transformation

Are you constantly aware of our salvation and continually thank the Lord for it and praise Him for it? Perhaps we fall short of frequent praise over our salvation because salvation has been toned down so much by professing Christians who fill churches yet are little different from the world.

The work of Christian growth

The Apostle Paul knew that the Christian walk to maturity does not happen automatically. The Gospel saves effectively all by itself – thank God for that (for an example of such a prayer, read Colossians 1:3-8). But once converted, we are required to labour hard towards spiritual maturity, spiritual completeness. One