In the hours before, and the moment of, Jesus’s death, He was confirmed innocent. Jesus lived a life without being guilty of anything. Although He was blamed for many things, He was nonetheless blameless. The same ought to be true for us as followers of Jesus. You might bemoan the
Getting up after Great Loss
The best moments in King David’s life read like a perfect Biblical Counselling story. That is because the best moments in King David’s life were the moment where he dealt with the great troubles of life in an outstandingly Godly way. One of the most striking “perfect Biblical Counselling stories”
Time Doesn’t Heal Guilt
It is common in the world to believe that “time heals all things”. This might be true in some instances, but time doesn’t heal the guilt that comes from sinning against another. As Christians we ought never to sin and simply go on as though nothing happened, believing that time
You don’t suffer for another’s sins
Generational and bloodline curses are part of the fear-driven false gospels forced on many today. So also the psychologised version of blaming your mother or grandfather for your emotional, mental, and spiritual trials. Thankfully, the true God is not such a vindictive unjust god – quite the contrary. Ezekiel 18 is an