The Order of Old Testament Books

The Old Testament is something of an enigma to the average Christian. Getting a grasp on the chronology of the Old Testament is the solution. Genesis to Deuteronomy, followed by Joshua, Judges and Ruth is all relatively simple. At the end of 1 Samuel most are still following, but then

How to recount another year gone by

One of the most unusually repetitive Psalms is Psalm 136. Every single verse, and there are 26 of them, ends with the exact same phrase: “for his steadfast love endures forever” God’s “steadfast love” is His “gesed” (that’s the Hebrew word), a very special word referring to the great combination of

We all need some dates

Reading a book as ancient as the Bible requires of us to know some dates. When you read the Scriptures, place yourself in the right time period using the approximate dates below. 4,000 BC   Creation 2,400 BC   World-wide flood 2,200 BC   Tower of Babel 2,000 BC   Ice Age 1,900 BC  

Anticipating the first arrival of Jesus

We who live with a New Testament in our homes and hearts know the story of Jesus well. The Old Testament we know less well. But, for a majority of the world’s history, it was the other way around—only the Old Testament. So, for the length of this devotional, allow