Just like all external sinful words and deeds are first internal sinful thoughts and desires (James 4:1; Mark 7:20-23), so all external good behaviour is first internal good character. We sin from the inside out, and we also transform into true righteousness from the inside out (Rom 12:2). David was chosen
The Tendency of Sin
Sometimes it feels like we are forever just fighting sin and getting nowhere. But already, fighting sin and getting nowhere is significantly better than what happened before God saved us. We need to keep fighting sin so we can be holy, but when the fight seems more real than the
How You Will Become More Holy
The “How to …” instructions for fighting temptation and becoming more holy is clearly explained throughout the Scriptures. There are three passages though that are of particular practical significance in setting us firmly on the highway to holiness. These three passages are not only full of their own insights into
How You Will Not Become More Holy
YouTube is filled with “How to ….” instructions for many practical things we all bump into from time to time. Spiritually we bump into temptation frequently enough that we should be crying out for a “How to …” instruction regarding sin and temptation. Thankfully, Scripture is filled with such instruction.
Do Not Yoke Yourself to an Unbeliever
Just like the unequal joining of a good ox and a stubborn donkey under the same yoke would not make for effective ploughing, so an unequal partnership between a believer and an unbeliever won’t make for effective Christian ministry. Unfortunately though, the verse on unequal yoking yourself to unbelievers is
What Makes Christmas Worldly
Although as Christians we might appreciate a sound theological song being played over secular radio during Christmas, we, and even so the world, recognise that the average Christmas celebration has very little “Christ” left in it. The world loves the occasion for celebration, but give as little thought to Christ
The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin
A common way in which we have created a double standard of morality is by acknowledging the reality of sin, but minimising the wickedness of sin. We minimise sin by the many more respectable terms we’ve invented to refer to sin. Jerry Bridges realised the disaster to one’s soul that
The Spirit will do it
In your struggle against sin and your pursuit of righteousness, may this be of comfort and encouragement to you. The most theological verse on sanctification is not a list of commandments, but a glorious explanation of how it works and how the Holy Spirit of God is the primarily actor.
Don’t waste your righteousness
Christians strive for holiness. Christians are those who put sin to death and put on righteousness. Righteous deeds done by faith are rewarded by God. But there is a way to waste your righteousness. Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for