The Sigh of Righteousness

Until the Lord comes again to put an end to sin and establish righteousness as the standard for society, righteousness will be difficult. We know that it is always better to respond to evil with righteousness, but sometimes righteousness seems to draw out more evil from evil-doers. There is often

Wisdom For Living Among the Wicked

The book of Proverbs is filled with unusual wisdom. Some of the proverbs are simple common-sense truisms, while others defy the natural way of human thinking. This is because Proverbs is God’s wisdom for man – it will be full of truisms, for every word of God is true and

Trials, temptations, and integrity

In Job 27:2-6 a gold nugget of a Biblical response to life is found. It is part of Job’s defense against false accusations in light of his suffering. Job speaks of trials – those external circumstances that, as part of God’s Providence, are sent to test and refine us. He acknowledges that