Christmas cheer is perhaps the peak of Christian calendar joys; and with good reason. It is impossible to miss. Joy is the attitude of Elizabeth’s greeting (Luke 1:55), Mary’s song (Luke 1:47), the angel’s declaration (Luke 2:10), and that of the wise men’s pursuit (Matthew 2:10). Rejoice, all saints, in
Christmas in Four Words
The Apostle John is certainly not known for brevity or conciseness. But in a single verse John captures for us the entire earthly life of Jesus, and the opening four words describe his birth. And the Word became fleshand dwelt among us,and we have seen his glory,glory as of the
Responses to Jesus’ Birth
Christmas is all about Jesus Christ, come to save sinners from the wrath of God (1 Thess 1:10 … and He’ll come again!). It is the various responses to the human birth of Jesus that reminds us to focus on Jesus Christ. Take some time this Christmas season to review
A Poem about Jesus
It might not have a strict poetic form that we might otherwise be used to, but this is the most prominent of poems about our Lord Jesus. Remember that Jesus was not only a baby in a manger or a dying man on a cross, but was also the Lord
Jesus is Saviour
Unlike all the other gods and religious heroes of false religions, the true God is a God Who saves sinners. No clearer is this stated that in Titus 3. For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy,
Jesus is God
All of Christianity summed up in one word would be the name “Jesus”. One of the many reasons for that is because, well, Jesus is God. Our Lord Jesus Christ, is our God. Well did Thomas exclaim “My Lord and my God!” when he witnessed Jesus resurrected (John 20:28). The
A Prayer Praising Jesus Christ
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according
Making Much of Christ
Nobody writes a biography of a baby. Yet, the baby Jesus already had an entire Old Testament written about Him. Much of it was veiled because the name “Jesus” was only given Him at His human birth, but that does not detract from all His impressive accomplishments recorded in the
A Brief Theology of Jesus
Jesus is God (John 10:30). All things came into being and continue to exist through Jesus (Col 1:15-17). Jesus became a man through virgin birth (Isa 7:14). Jesus became a man while remaining fully God, temporarily giving up the right to exercise all His Divine qualities (Phil 2:5-8; Col 2:9;
All those other religions
It is no secret that many non-Christians claim to worship the true God and practise their faiths very sincerely. But everyone cannot be right, can they? How do we know Christianity isn’t just one more of the many false religions? What is different about Christianity? When someone of another religion