Jesus Is Fair

Jesus’s great compassion and love is perfectly completed by His justice and fairness. Never will Jesus ‘lovingly’ overlook a great evil, and never will Jesus ignore the truly needy. Jesus Himself even said that He comes for judgment, to allow the spiritually unfortunate to see Him, and to condemn the

The Heartache of Protecting Bad Behaviour

Ever since Genesis chapter 3, bad behaviour defines humanity. We are startled by the first obvious expression of it in little children; we perfect it in ourselves; we mourn its effect on others; and well into old age we seem to be fluent in bad behaviour. By observing the criminal

Justice Is an Emergency Service

When we think of emergency services, we think of the police, paramedics, armed response, and things like that. The reason why we consider these emergency services is because they all require as speedy a process as possible, because if there is even the slightest unnecessary delay, the consequences would escalate

Romans 12:9 One-Liners for Life

Romans 12:9 begins the Proverbs-like list of one-liners for Christian living. Although the list will touch on many different common daily experiences, verse 9 contains the three one-liners that cover all of life. Let love be genuine.Abhor what is evil;hold fast to what is good. Romans 12:9 There are many