Too much of spiritual discussion between Christians fall into the “I think” category instead of the “God said” category. Because we are weak in specific Bible knowledge and strong in our opinion, we often say things to other Christians that could be much improved on. There is a subtle satisfaction
Wiser than the Aged and Educated
Experience and education are hailed as the great tutors of life in this world. We trust those with experience more than we trust those with mere head knowledge, and we trust those with reputable head knowledge more than we trust those who merely repeat their own opinions. Experience and education
Do You Understand or Do You Repeat?
The parental proverb of “He who repeats a matter has no thoughts of his own” is a somewhat demeaning way of putting an end to gossip, but there is some truth to it. In a more sanctified manner Proverbs 15:14 says, The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge,but the mouths
Recipients of the New Covenant
We are familiar with the covenant that God made with people like Abraham, and many years later with his descendants through Moses. However, there is a covenant described in Jeremiah 31 is that far superior to all other covenants. It is what the prophet Jeremiah called “the New Covenant”. What is so
A prayer in times of violence
Psalm 140 models the prayer of the faithful when confronted with the countless stories, and even personal experiences, of violent men acting wickedly. We pray during times of wickedness, because we are not ignorant and naïve. We know violent men abound (Ps 140:1), that they plan their evil exploits (Ps 140:2, Ps
The Joy of Knowing Jesus
There is no greater joy than knowing Jesus. You and I as Christians are perhaps very comfortable with the knowledge of Jesus because it is such a fundamental part of our confession as Christians. Of all the VIPs that you might have met in this world, or perhaps only dream