Thou Shalt Be Loved

You do not have a right to be loved. Think about it: you do not have a right to be loved. Instead, you have a responsibility to love. It is true that if all would fulfil their responsibility to love that you will indeed be loved, but the burden of making sure love is shown always

The One Earthly Thing Not Destroyed by the Curse

Ecclesiastes bemoans the miserable conditions of earthly life (Eccl 1:2 et al.). Ever since sin entered the world in Genesis 3, the Creation groans, longing for better days (Rom 8:21-22), days like those in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 1 and 2. Those were the days before everything was destroyed by the curse. Those

When You Don’t Get What You Wanted

What happens when you don’t get what you wanted? The shortest answer is probably “I sin” (James 4:1). When our desires are met, we are happy and feel loved. But when our desires are not met, we become unhappy and feel unloved. That is why we need to change our

Romans 12:9 One-Liners for Life

Romans 12:9 begins the Proverbs-like list of one-liners for Christian living. Although the list will touch on many different common daily experiences, verse 9 contains the three one-liners that cover all of life. Let love be genuine.Abhor what is evil;hold fast to what is good. Romans 12:9 There are many

Romans 12:10 An Excellent Love

Sometimes the vocabulary in one language makes it difficult to translate certain words into another language. By comparing different possible translations, we can nonetheless grasp the full significance of the original language. This is evidently the case in Romans 12:10 which is translated the following ways in different translations. Love

The Excessiveness of Christian Love

The icon of Christian love among the NT church is a man named Gaius. 3 John 1:6 says that he loved other Christians “in a manner worthy of God”! Not even the Roman Emperor would have been treated as well by his entourage as Christians were treated by Gaius. He

The Seal of Marital Love

Marriage is the highest earthly expression of love between two people. The most superlative of all Solomon’s songs, was inspired by God Himself and occupies eight chapters in our Bibles. In the final chapter a monument is raised in honour of marital love. Set me as a seal upon your

A Poem on Love When Love is Failing

The Corinthians of the New Testament times were no role-models of love. They had bought into all the definitions of love of their godless culture and sinful hearts. But God was changing them. In the middle of a rather extensive lecture/rebuke regarding practical church matters (1 Corinthians chapters 12 –

Worship God; Love People; Use Things

“Worship God; Love People; Use Things” was the easy-to-remember reminder from a missionary about our earthly priorities. Mix them up any other way, and it all ends disastrously; keep them intact and in order, and you will be the most sensible human being on the planet. Ask yourself about each

Keeping God’s Law by One Question

It is not secret in Scripture that love is the fulfilment of God’s law. Moses gave the singular purpose of the Law to the Israelites already as “to love the LORD” in fullness (Deut 10:12). Jesus set a law-expert straight when He stated that all the Law and Prophets depend