Marriage: A Race in Humility

The world says it is more blessed to get than to give, but the Bible literally says the opposite is true. Psalm 68 shows that God Himself is a giving God. Acts 20:35 reminds us that Jesus confirmed the truth that it is more blessed to give than to get. Marriage is designed for that same

Marriage: Specialised Friendship

The world teaches you to look out for yourself, Look out for #1—take selfies that make you look good, choose friends who make you happy, drive cars that make you feel successful—that’s the world’s way. But marriage was designed to specialise friendship. Marriage is designed to overcome the self-seeking, self-esteem,

The One Earthly Thing Not Destroyed by the Curse

Ecclesiastes bemoans the miserable conditions of earthly life (Eccl 1:2 et al.). Ever since sin entered the world in Genesis 3, the Creation groans, longing for better days (Rom 8:21-22), days like those in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 1 and 2. Those were the days before everything was destroyed by the curse. Those

The Seal of Marital Love

Marriage is the highest earthly expression of love between two people. The most superlative of all Solomon’s songs, was inspired by God Himself and occupies eight chapters in our Bibles. In the final chapter a monument is raised in honour of marital love. Set me as a seal upon your

Make Marriage Great Again

Let marriage be held in honour among all Hebrews 13:4a Be you single, married, divorced, or widowed, you have an obligation as a Christian to make marriage great in the eyes of those around you. This verse is not only for church gatherings and Christian get-togethers; it is for all

God’s Purpose for Marriages

Contrary to what some might think, the Bible is very clear and authoritative regarding the institution and purpose of marriage. In Genesis 2:18 we are told about the first marriage; officiated by God between the first man and first woman to ever exist. In making one mature man and one

Top Three Commandments for Husbands

Leadership has become one of the key words in Christianised teachings for husbands. The headship of a husband is clearly taught in Scripture (Ephesians 5:23 and 1 Corinthians 11:3 as well as an implication from Ephesians 5:22, 24). However, leadership of a husband over a wife is never commanded in

Marriage: A Warehouse of Happiness

Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your vain life that he has given you under the sun Ecclesiastes 9:9 Life under this sun, is not always very fulfilling, but, at the end of a long day, you can go home to your wife, or

A Prayer for Your Wife

My heavenly Father, by giving me my wife, you have shown me more favour (Pro 18:22) than the best of inheritances that my earthly father could give (Pro 19:14). She is indeed the most precious treasure I have (Pro 31:10). Thank you for shaping her into a woman whom I

Evidences of a Good Marriage

Song of Solomon is about a marriage the way God intended. It is an inspired vindication of marriage against the anti-marriage stigma in the world. Song of Solomon mentions four evidences of a good marriage. These four things are turning upside down by the world resulting in much anti-marriage thinking.