Learn to Pray by Being around Prayer

When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He didn’t teach them about prayer, but instead gave them a prayer to start praying. One of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”And he said to them, “When you pray, say:“Father, hallowed be

Raising Your Spiritual Water Table

As much as we would like it for God to mature us in a moment, or even over a special church camp weekend or something like that, the reality is that God matures us one day at a time for the entire duration of our earthly life. Our church takes

Tests of Teachability

The joy of learning something is certainly in the top 10 of earthly pleasures among the mature. Yet, being taught by another doesn’t always have the same appeal even to the mature, not to mention among the self-conceited, always-right-in-their-own-eyes, opinionated immature. The Scriptures draw us to being more teachable in

Claiming Promises That Are Not Promises

How maturely do you use your favourite verses? Do you join with the crowd of immaturity or do you sit with the mature in your meditation and repetition of your favourite verses? Take for example, Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Philippians 4:13 The

Holes In Your Knowledge of God

The Apostle Paul maintained a clear conscience in ministry be ensuring that he preached the truth of God (2 Corinthians 2:17), the whole truth of God (Acts 20:27), and nothing but the truth of God (1 Corinthians 2:2). Yet we all have holes in our Bible knowledge. Some of it

The Church That Became An Example

It is easy to admire the unity, maturity, and ministry of exemplary churches. What we don’t realise, though, is that exemplary churches are made up of exemplary Christians, and being an exemplary Christian isn’t something that is “probably never going to happen to me”. The visible impact of your church

A Better Reason to Learn From Scripture

Ever since the first moment of faith, the Scriptures have been cherished by all believers. The more we read the Word of God, the more we sense our need of the Word of God, and the more we learn from it. It is a blessed cycle. But perhaps your Bible-love

Young People, Do More!

The direct address of the title “Young people, do more!” is either a strong exhortation, or it requires the removal of the comma to make it an observation that compliments the youth as those who can certainly do more. Whether you sense it as an exhortation or a compliment is

How to Gain Spiritual Maturity

The devotional today is a personal testimony of a mature man reflecting on gaining spiritual maturity. May it comfort your souls as it has mine. How do we gain spiritual maturity in our lives? Over the past 24 years, I’ve seen the importance of a doctrinally sound local church, faithful

The work of Christian growth

The Apostle Paul knew that the Christian walk to maturity does not happen automatically. The Gospel saves effectively all by itself – thank God for that (for an example of such a prayer, read Colossians 1:3-8). But once converted, we are required to labour hard towards spiritual maturity, spiritual completeness. One