As a Christian, you are obligated to live according to the Spirit (Rom 8:12). This is because you have been given spiritual life by the Spirit (Rom 8:11). It is through Jesus and the Holy Spirit that you are justified and sanctified (1 Cor 6:11; 2 Thess 2:13). That is why
Jesus Is Coming
In all the seemingly futile routine of life on this earth, do not overlook the fact that Jesus is still coming. One day, the normal flow of life will stop, for Jesus will come and change everything. Jesus is coming. Because Jesus is coming, don’t give up in your Christian
Thou Shalt Be Loved
You do not have a right to be loved. Think about it: you do not have a right to be loved. Instead, you have a responsibility to love. It is true that if all would fulfil their responsibility to love that you will indeed be loved, but the burden of making sure love is shown always
Two Ways to Live
Psalm 1 is a favourite on many levels. Placed first in the Psalter, it acts like a flagship for the rest of the Psalms, offering decisive direction before embarking in this rest of the collection of Psalms. Psalm 1 offers wisdom on the two options each person has on how to live
Taking God at His Word, or Not!
Reading the Old Testament is like browsing a full-colour version of facebook, twitter, and ‘Christian’ news headlines all put together. The modern ‘Christian’ phenomena of praising God’s Word, and quoting favourite lines from God’s Word, or even attributing favourite quotes to God that aren’t even in His Word, is something
Fixing All the Problems of This World
You can’t fix all the problems of this world, but you can fix all the problems of this world that manifest themselves in your own convictions, values, thoughts, actions, and words. The world has a big problem with entertainment, but you can maintain the balance of godly enjoyment and relaxation
The Shortest Verse on Spiritual Warfare
James 4:7 must be the shortest verse in the Bible on fighting the Devil. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 Although we as human beings rank significantly below the demonic realm in strength and power (although not in the ‘image of
Living Guilt-Free
In the hours before, and the moment of, Jesus’s death, He was confirmed innocent. Jesus lived a life without being guilty of anything. Although He was blamed for many things, He was nonetheless blameless. The same ought to be true for us as followers of Jesus. You might bemoan the
What Your Behaviour Says about the Holy Spirit in You
At the new birth, God gives His Holy Spirit to you. You are spiritually baptised into the Holy Spirit meaning that you have been added to the Church and that your ministry to the saints will now bear fruit (1 Cor 12:13). The gift of the Holy Spirit and the
What Your Bible Reading Says about Your Courage
Courageous men and women are individuals who esteem a specific list of values and who live by a stated set of principles. Wimps value only themselves and react to life as it happens with whatever they think best at the time. As Christians we ought to stop our wimpish ways