Getting older is not for the weak. Unfortunately, weakness is one of the symptoms of getting older. Such frustrations imply that the Bible probably has much to say about said topic. Indeed, God has much to say on getting older. Sermon series can be preached on these verses, but at
The Mission for Getting Older
2 Corinthians is a book written by an elderly missionary. He has been through many difficult times, and writes 2 Corinthians to offer some sage advice to some of those who had been the cause of much of his trouble in his earlier years as a missionary. Although not everyone
Loving an Ageing Spouse
Perhaps the most avid and trustworthy Christian blogger in the English language today is Tim Challies. He recently wrote an article on a husband’s love for the physical body of a wife’s post-partum body. His point is that marital love is matured through a shared life story, including the changes in our