A Sad Summary of a Sinner’s Life

The book of Judges is no fairy tale. The only redeeming factor in the book is the relentless grace of God showing compassion over, and over, and over again to those who deserve it least of all. The worst of the judges have their names recorded in the Hall of

The Gospel of the Old Testament

In Luke 16:29 Jesus responds with these words to the rich dead man’s request of warning his five brothers They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them. There are numerous passages throughout the Old Testament that present the Gospel with clarity. Perhaps the most famous is the one

The Order of Old Testament Books

The Old Testament is something of an enigma to the average Christian. Getting a grasp on the chronology of the Old Testament is the solution. Genesis to Deuteronomy, followed by Joshua, Judges and Ruth is all relatively simple. At the end of 1 Samuel most are still following, but then

Anticipating the first arrival of Jesus

We who live with a New Testament in our homes and hearts know the story of Jesus well. The Old Testament we know less well. But, for a majority of the world’s history, it was the other way around—only the Old Testament. So, for the length of this devotional, allow