Symptoms of Intentional Fellowship

Here are Five Symptoms of Intentional Fellowship that we as Christians must all suffer from. First, practise the “one anothers” in Scripture. Search for all the verses in the NT with the words “one another”, and start obeying them. Then, encourage others to do the same. And if someone else

Going to Church Is Your Testimony

“Going to church is your testimony” was the reply once given to a Christian who said that he missed church at times because of evangelistic dinners on Sunday night with a neighbour. That is very insightful. Scripture is clear that we need to reach the unsaved world with the Gospel

Being a Peace Maker Among One Another

Many times, the greatest reason for uselessness in church ministry is personal conflict. I don’t like you, you don’t like something I did, so you sit on this side, I sit on that side, and if you come to the church picnic, then I won’t come, and if you have

The Virtuous Signs of a Best Friend

You shall love your neighbour as yourself. Jesus, Matthew 22:39 In Scripture the word for friend and the word for neighbour is the same. Proverbs offers some sage wisdom on how to differentiate between the good and the bad when it comes to the friends you have. Here are the

A Summary to Love One Another

Does your love for the church testify to the world, or does your love for the world deny the saints? 1 John is the most direct in its explanation of the love Christians have for one another. In summary form, the teaching of 1 John sounds like this: 1st, you

Christian Fellowship

Christian fellowship is a common part of regular church practise, starting in Acts 2:42 already. And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers Christian fellowship is different to Christian socialising. Christians socialise easily, but fellowship takes some work. Christian fellowship is the