Don’t Sing with a Sad Face

Singing with a sad face is like trying to lick your elbow—it just isn’t really possible. It is true that not every person exudes their inner joy in equally expressive ways, and it is true that we worship God in the heart-breaking troubles of life too, but when we choose

Complain Less, Praise More

Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love,for his wondrous works to the children of man!For he satisfies the longing soul,and the hungry soul he fills with good things. Psalm 107:8–9 If we complained less, and praised more, we would be happier, and God would be more glorified. Let

Spiritually Sensible to Worship

A puritan once wrote: “He who prizes gold, will dig for it in the mine” (Thomas Watson, Godly Man’s Picture). What he meant was: “He who prizes God, will dig for Him in the Word.”. Psalm 63 is about the sensibility of prizing God. May you not only believe what David did,

Who Should Praise the LORD?

Praising the LORD is not only the duty and privilege of the redeemed. Certainly every person saved from sin owes the LORD excessive praises, but the reality is that all things ought to praise the LORD. In Psalm 148 the following list is given of those who have an obligation

A Primer In Church Attitudes.

Someone recently said that prayers in church should be long enough so that the false worshipers get bored. There is indeed a lot of truth to that statement. It is the kind of statement that can easily be abused, but to the pure worshiper, it is a statement that renews

A Simple Chorus of Genuine Praise

Often it is the simple spontaneous things that are as meaningful as the profound planned things. The song of Moses in Exodus 15 covers seventeen and a half verses praising God for the power displayed in the crossing of the Red Sea and subsequent destruction of the Egyptian army. Then

How Loudly Do You Rejoice?

Sadly we too easily complain louder than we rejoice. Reading through the life and accomplishments of Nehemiah you soon realise how frequently he was opposed and how intense some of the disappointments in his life were. And yet, the book is filled with praises almost as much as it is

Joyful Celebrations

Scripture recounts many occasions of joyful celebration among believers. Moses got the people singing after witnessing God at the Red Sea, and Miriam, grabbing a tambourine, added her own song to the celebrations in Exodus 15. After their experience of God’s power, Deborah and Barak broke out in song in