Spiritual Sources of Stress

“Stress” is that all-inclusive description of those symptoms we experience that are too vague to point to a specific medical condition, specific sin pattern, or specific trial. Medical doctors blame stress when physical symptoms have no observable medical cause; psychologists claim to be experts on stress and try all kinds

Romans 12:16 The Secret of Getting along with Others

Live in harmony with one another Romans 12:16 That is the idealistic dream of this world—getting along with others. We love those who are easy to get along with, and we admire those who seem to get along with everyone they meet. Sadly it seems that the slightest unintentional gesture

The Virtue We’d Rather Not Have

Pride must die in you or nothing of heaven can live in you. Andrew Murray This quote can be found in an end-note of a little booklet that contains more truth than many books ten times its size. A little booklet by Andrew Murray on the virtue of humility is filled with

Finding Some Good in This Life

We live in a world where pride and wealth have become the definition of “the good life”. Yet, Proverbs 16:18 affirms that pride does not lead to good, but to destruction. In the next verse, Proverbs 16:19, one of the “better-than” truths in Proverbs is that being humble and poor

The Cure for Worry, Anxiety, and Pride

Anxiety and pride are not frequently thought of as sister sins, but they are. You might not feel proud when overwhelmed with anxiety, but pride is the root of worry too. When you worry, you raise yourself up to the level of engaging with matters that are above your clearance

Keeping humility away

Humility is the one virtue we agree we need, and perhaps even want, but when push comes to shove, we shove it away. This is simply because humility is when self is the last consideration in every situation. But our hearts long to be the first consideration in every situation