Someone once said that every sinful action can be traced back to at least one sinful thought. This is merely a rephrasing what our Saviour taught (Mark 7:20-23). The equally true counterpart is that when you can have just thoughts, you would have spared yourself many unjust actions. The thoughts
Christian Experiences Summed up in One Psalm
Psalm 1 is commonly recognised as the Psalm that introduces us to the rest of the Psalter. It is truly a Psalm that sums up the daily life experiences of every believer. Just like some life experiences are wonderful moments of worship, so many of the Psalms are Psalms of praise
Blessed Are Those Who Want to Do What Is Right
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Matthew 5:6 Forever longing to do what is right in a world where wickedness is the norm is a depressing experience. Every time you see the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer, the personal desire to
Blessed Are the Meek
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 Like the other Beatitudes, this one exposes the irony of reality. In a world where it appears that the angry, loud, and self-confident always get ahead, we soon forget that the opposite is actually reality. This beatitude is
The Sigh of Righteousness
Until the Lord comes again to put an end to sin and establish righteousness as the standard for society, righteousness will be difficult. We know that it is always better to respond to evil with righteousness, but sometimes righteousness seems to draw out more evil from evil-doers. There is often
Ensure Blessing for Your Children
We want blessing for our children. We work to make a better world for our kids. We invest in their education, assist them in their goals, and help shape their dreams—all so they will have a good life, better than our own. Yet, all those things do not guarantee blessing
Romans 12:9 One-Liners for Life
Romans 12:9 begins the Proverbs-like list of one-liners for Christian living. Although the list will touch on many different common daily experiences, verse 9 contains the three one-liners that cover all of life. Let love be genuine.Abhor what is evil;hold fast to what is good. Romans 12:9 There are many
Only God Will Judge
“Only God will judge” is often used as an exemption from judgment. Instead, it should inspire either fear, or worship. Fear, for truly every person will stand before God and give account of all they’ve done. Or, worship, because we realise that God, though truly our Judge, has judged Christ
Insisting On Rights, or On Right-eousness
One cannot really separate basic human rights and righteousness, for those who are unrighteous will ignore the basic rights of others, and those who are righteous will uphold and the basic rights of others. However, there is nonetheless a fundamental difference between living a life insisting on one’s rights compared
The Revealing Nature of Light
In all the privacy concerns of the internet, one is forced to think of what would happen if every detail of your online activity were exposed to the world. Does that thought make you cringe, or will that action vindicate you? Now, go beyond your online activity, and consider your