Christian, have you ever taken account of all you have sacrificed on the altar of self? Those times where a little godliness was sacrificed to maintain the desired image of yourself, where a close relationship was sacrificed for the justification of self, or where obedience to God was sacrificed for
When Last Have You Offered a Sacrifice?
“You are a priest and need to offer a sacrifice”—if someone was to say that to you, how would you reply? 1 Peter 2:4-5 says essentially that! A Christian is being built up “to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God”. How do we “offer spiritual
Leviticus in two verses
The book of Leviticus is best known for being least known among the books of the Bible. For a book of such length and detail, it is indeed a shame to be shunned by so many a Christian. Although believers under the New Covenant are explicitly not required to follow