Formulate a Biblical Response to Being Criticised

Sanctification (the process of how a Christian becomes more holy) has three basic steps (Ephesians 4:21-24 and Romans 12:1-2): Let’s apply it to the temptation to say and think something hurtful in response to a criticising comment by another. Here are a selection of common responses to being criticised. Which one do

What Your Trajectory Says about the Holy Spirit in You

Perhaps the most expressive verse on a believer’s spiritual growth is 2 Corinthians 3:18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. 2

How to Change Destructive and Sinful Habits

The Christian life is a life of change. When God saved us, we changed spiritually in a most dramatic way—we transformed from spiritual deadness to spiritual life (Ephesians 2:1-5). Since then, we are changed people (2 Cor 5:17), in a permanent process of change (Phil 2:12-13; Rom 12:2). This continual process

How You Will Become More Holy

The “How to …” instructions for fighting temptation and becoming more holy is clearly explained throughout the Scriptures. There are three passages though that are of particular practical significance in setting us firmly on the highway to holiness. These three passages are not only full of their own insights into

How You Will Not Become More Holy

YouTube is filled with “How to ….” instructions for many practical things we all bump into from time to time. Spiritually we bump into temptation frequently enough that we should be crying out for a “How to …” instruction regarding sin and temptation. Thankfully, Scripture is filled with such instruction.

Christianese: Sanctification

Romans 6:5-14 deals extensively with the doctrine of sanctification in the believer’s life. Before salvation the believer was dead in his sin (Eph 2:1), but after union with Christ, the believer is now freed from sin to live as a slave of Christ. Sanctification is the means by which believers

Scripture, the Cure for Disobedience

In Hebrews chapter 4 we are called to make sure that we are indeed going to Heaven and not missing it altogether because of disobedience. It is certainly a possibility, after all, an entire generation of Israelites didn’t get to enter the Promised Land, even though they were hoping to,

The Gospel Changes Women

One of the groups of society that are changed as a result of the Gospel is the women in our societies. Because of the inherent sinful nature in all men, women are naturally often degraded, abused or neglected. Countries governed by what Scripture would call false religions, often have horrific

The Gospel Changes Men

The Gospel changes people. Most profoundly, it changes men. Men who either slink around with no responsibility and sensibility, or who parade around with a wild and free dominance, are all changed by the Gospel. The murderous Saul was changed by the Gospel into the patient and truth-bound Paul. The

Scripture’s Role in Your Obedience

It was Jerry Bridges in his book The Pursuit of Holiness who wrote something like: “Too often we say we struggle with this or that sin. And we use it as an excuse. You do not struggle as much as you are simply disobedient.” Then in chapter 10 he gives