The Bible’s Big Picture

It is good to know that the Bible is not just a random collection of spiritual sayings, but has been given to us through specific human contexts. This brings a profound richness and relevance to what would otherwise have been a very abstract book on spirituality. The whole Bible can

Do We Have the Right Books in Our Bibles?

Have you ever wondered if the Bible really contains all the books, and only the books, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God? Could it be that maybe Genesis wasn’t truly inspired, or maybe that the Gospel of Thomas and the book of Bel the Dragon should be included in our Bibles. How can

Taking God at His Word, or Not!

Reading the Old Testament is like browsing a full-colour version of facebook, twitter, and ‘Christian’ news headlines all put together. The modern ‘Christian’ phenomena of praising God’s Word, and quoting favourite lines from God’s Word, or even attributing favourite quotes to God that aren’t even in His Word, is something

Reaching Out to Those of Other Faiths

Interacting with other faiths is inevitable for every born-again believer. Our heart for the lost compels us, and the abundance of other faiths around us confronts us, sometimes to our face in, even unsolicited, conversation. It is trendy, even in some parts of Christianity, to promote open dialogue and ongoing

“I Think” vs “God Said”

Too much of spiritual discussion between Christians fall into the “I think” category instead of the “God said” category. Because we are weak in specific Bible knowledge and strong in our opinion, we often say things to other Christians that could be much improved on. There is a subtle satisfaction

Wiser than the Aged and Educated

Experience and education are hailed as the great tutors of life in this world. We trust those with experience more than we trust those with mere head knowledge, and we trust those with reputable head knowledge more than we trust those who merely repeat their own opinions. Experience and education

Non-Bible Biblical Resources

The Bible is the only source of Divine Revelation and is the only authoritative reference point of all things spiritual. Christians are required to read/hear the Bible, study the Bible, memorise the Bible, meditate on the Bible in its own pure, non-annotated form. The Bible is completely sufficient all by itself. However, this does

You Can Do It

“You can do it” is common encouragement towards excellence from a teacher to a student at school, from a coach to an athlete on the field, or from a parent to a child in the home. It is also the encouragement from the aged Moses to adults who are going

The Disorder of Anxiety and Fear

Anxiety disorders are claimed by psychiatry and psychology as one of their fields of expertise. In the meantime, Scripture has held the place of EXPERT on the disorder of anxiety ever since sin entered the world. Anxiety might manifest itself in many physical ways, but since it is called sin in the

How Not to Worship During Church Worship

It is not uncommon for true Christian to be distracted from worship by worship. Personal convictions on specific things are held onto much stronger than the more general verses in Scripture that govern our church worship services. Scripture does not give an annually updated list of accepted instruments. Scripture does