In all the seemingly futile routine of life on this earth, do not overlook the fact that Jesus is still coming. One day, the normal flow of life will stop, for Jesus will come and change everything. Jesus is coming. Because Jesus is coming, don’t give up in your Christian
When Your Sin Makes You Depressed
One of the songs sung on the way to the annual feasts in Jerusalem was Psalm 130. You might wonder what festival singing has to do with the guilt over your own sin, and this is where Psalm 130 provides a very important answer. Before you can joyfully come to worship, you need
A Brief Theology of the End
After the full number of believers among the Gentiles have been brought in, the Lord will return His attention to Israel (Rom 11:25). Satan will at this time increase his deception and rebellion for seven years (Dan 9:27; 1 Thess 2:9-12). During this time God will judge the whole earth
A Brief Theology of Jesus
Jesus is God (John 10:30). All things came into being and continue to exist through Jesus (Col 1:15-17). Jesus became a man through virgin birth (Isa 7:14). Jesus became a man while remaining fully God, temporarily giving up the right to exercise all His Divine qualities (Phil 2:5-8; Col 2:9;
Look Up, Worship and Hope
Look up, Christian, the sky above your head is not only there to keep the earth’s physical properties in order so we can live. The sky above has a few spiritual purposes too. We need to look up a little more often. Perhaps the most obvious theological reason for the