Blessed Are Those Who Are Not Self-Made

The first line from the most famous sermon Jesus ever preached says this: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God Matthew 5:3 We, like the world, often live as though the opposite is true. We believe, and often act, as though it is the

The Blessings Of Harmony

Unity is a rare occurrence. Selfishness is still too common, even among believers. James wrote to Christians explaining that at the root of all conflict, divisions, and quarrels is a selfish desire (James 4:1-3). As the complete opposite to selfish desires, love is described as “does not seek its own”

Being Too Introverted

Extrovert or introvert—such are the either-or categories society has dictated. Whatever one of those you might tend to be, you are not one to the complete exclusion of the other. A quiet introverted-in-public person might be the loudest between siblings. A friendly out-going personality at a party might be a

Keeping humility away

Humility is the one virtue we agree we need, and perhaps even want, but when push comes to shove, we shove it away. This is simply because humility is when self is the last consideration in every situation. But our hearts long to be the first consideration in every situation

Are you your own standard?

WHEN others are set in their ways, they’re obstinate;when you are, it is firmness. WHEN somebody doesn’t like your friend, he is prejudiced;when you don’t like his, you are a good judge of human nature. WHEN others try to treat someone especially well, they’re slimy;when you try it, you are