Righteous from the inside Out

Someone once said that every sinful action can be traced back to at least one sinful thought. This is merely a rephrasing what our Saviour taught (Mark 7:20-23). The equally true counterpart is that when you can have just thoughts, you would have spared yourself many unjust actions. The thoughts

The Heartache of Protecting Bad Behaviour

Ever since Genesis chapter 3, bad behaviour defines humanity. We are startled by the first obvious expression of it in little children; we perfect it in ourselves; we mourn its effect on others; and well into old age we seem to be fluent in bad behaviour. By observing the criminal

A Testimony of Counselling Bad Behaviour

From a personal vantage point it often seems best not to deal with bad behaviour. The humiliation of acknowledging our own bad behaviour, or the perceived consequences to ourselves in addressing the bad behaviour of others, often results in endless relational headache. From a more objective vantage point, we know

Every Sinful Deed Has a Backstory

Because our behaviour is the visible expression of sin, we often think that our deeds and words are where sin starts. After the sinful deed, there are often terrible consequences, and once again, we look back and identify the original sinful behaviour as the start of it all. This has