The Violent Crime of Slander

Speaking degradingly of someone to another appeals to our sense of self-worth and self-importance. We, therefore, partake of slander all to easily. But slander can easily be categorised under “violent crimes”. Just consider the parallel statements in Psalm 140:11 Let not the slanderer be established in the land;let evil hunt down

Prosperous Words

The prosperity religions define prosperous words as words that “Claim!” and “Declare” and “Prophesy!” various expression of common greed. Although the Creator God can speak and through His Word alone make it come to pass, mankind falls into the Created category of existence. The wise know that we are to

Strengthening a Weak Relationship

Although the book of Proverbs has dozens of very practical ways to build and strengthen a relationship that is broken and weak, it is a the book of Ephesians that has a a little catch-phrase that proves incredibly helpful in thinking about how to strengthen a weak relationship. In a

“I Think” vs “God Said”

Too much of spiritual discussion between Christians fall into the “I think” category instead of the “God said” category. Because we are weak in specific Bible knowledge and strong in our opinion, we often say things to other Christians that could be much improved on. There is a subtle satisfaction

Training in Sin-fighting

The most difficult fights are not the wars that ravish the world, but the individual battles for control of our souls. Because of our sinful bent, we don’t even need the Devil and his demons’ additional efforts in causing us to sin. Temptation to sin comes from all places, not

Pleasant Speech

James chapter 3 says that we all sin in many ways, but we seem especially culpable to sin with our tongue. As James 3:6 says, “the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness”. That is quite a statement! And we understand why! Sometimes we try to say the right

When to Speak and When to Keep Silent

Our words often get us into trouble. As James 3:8 says, it is a restless evil. But, merely keeping silent is not the answer either. Again, the book of Proverbs helps us maintain the godly, mature, and very wise balance. In Proverbs 26:4-5, two parallel statements on answering another are

Everyday Evangelism

You must have spiritual conversations with unbelievers. That is, in most simple terms, evangelism. Evangelism doesn’t require a Master’s degree in theology or an unusual sharpness in Bible memorisation; simply speak of spiritual things in your everyday conversations. Think of Peter and John, the great Apostles, whose evangelising of the lame