The Shortest Verse on Spiritual Warfare

James 4:7 must be the shortest verse in the Bible on fighting the Devil. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 Although we as human beings rank significantly below the demonic realm in strength and power (although not in the ‘image of

The Basics of Christian Living

Simplification is good. We appreciate teachers who can simplify complex lessons. We learn much from pastors who can explain grand theology simply. We need frequent reminders of the basics of Christian living. Someone once said somewhat tongue-in-cheek that when Paul wanted to simply explain the Gospel, he wrote the book

Submitting When It Doesn’t Make Sense

Submission to authority is in many ways a Christian trademark. Before we were saved, Romans 8:7-8 describes our innate rebellion and resistance to God rather accurately in these words, For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it

Christians Obeying Government

Christians obeying the government is a topic that requires specific instruction from God because it is a topic in which the instruction varies based on the situation. The default beginning position for all Christians in wondering when to obey the laws and instructions from their government is “Obey”. Romans 13:1-7 touches on