There were a number of times that the Apostle Paul was separated from other Christians who were of great support and comfort to him. We know about the time mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:2. But that was not the only time Paul was left alone when he really longed to be
Christians Who Are Not Really Christians
Unlike the times in church history marked by persecution, our churches often contain people who claim to be Christian, perhaps even more mature than the rest of us, but who are not really Christian at all. We can have great unity with true believers from all walks of life, but
A Clear Conscience after a Day with Unbelievers
Is it possible to have a clear conscience after every interaction that you have with unbelievers? What about the ones who demonstrated their sinful side to you today? What about the ones who did you harm today? What about the ones who were short-tempered, incompetent, and unfriendly today? Is it
Do Not Yoke Yourself to an Unbeliever
Just like the unequal joining of a good ox and a stubborn donkey under the same yoke would not make for effective ploughing, so an unequal partnership between a believer and an unbeliever won’t make for effective Christian ministry. Unfortunately though, the verse on unequal yoking yourself to unbelievers is
Responding to Those Who Mock Your Faith
It is sometimes hard to know what to say when someone rather bluntly and outrightly mocks your faith or questions the existence and work of God. We might even feel somewhat dumb for not having the right words in the moment, and perhaps even guilty for not being able to
How to Get Somebody Born Again
“Let the Word of God loose until the God of the Word causes the person to be born again.” That is perhaps the shortest, and practically most meaningful answer to the burden of our souls for the salvation of our unsaved family, friends, and neighbours. In John 3 Jesus explains
Reading Mark
Often when new believers ask where they should start reading their Bibles, the answer is “The Gospel of John. Begin there. Or maybe 1st John.” The same is true in evangelism. Perhaps you have done the same: when you recommend a place for an unbeliever to start reading, you mention